The Journey


I began to study Argentine tango in 1998. The metaphorical language of tango, the listening skills needed to hear intense and subtle pieces of the music, and the fine motor skill needed for dancing it have also influenced how I work with clients. Our bodies have a magnificent ability to express feeling, but are able to do so in a unique way when embraced and held with loving intention.

Through my workshops and practice I hope to be able to create more connection between people, and self connection to our spiritual resources. the abilities to be truthful, to forgive, to enjoy, and to re-create are needed for our biological systems to function in the most efficient way. Our brains would much rather be assisting our renewal and our highest levels of art and play, rather than dragging along on auto pilot.

I would like to be a part of new kinds of community and housing that include organic farming, “domestic” skills, and integrate all of the community into a sense of belonging.

Through the travel opportunities I offer, I hope to give participants a new perception of culture, and expand the sense of gratitude and enjoyment with ordinary and extraordinary experiences. I invite them to form kinship with others while enriching their own sense of purpose.


  • Yoga Training, 1968 with Indra Devi.

  • Polarity training  completed in Mt. Shasta, CA. 1977

  • BA, Southwestern College, Santa Fe NM

  • MA, University of Santa Monica, 1992

  • Two year plus study of Hakomi training (body centered psychotherapy), Santa Fe, NM -assisted for the next year’s training:1987 to 1991.

I am an ordained minister since 1980, through MSIA, an ecumenical organization. My studies in cranial sacral therapies have been primarily through the Milne Institute. I have completed levels one and two of their program. I have also completed the “brain” course of CS with Dr. Benjamin Shield.

Equine cranial sacral studies have been through Maureen Rogers. I have taken all four levels of her courses, and the equine dissection. I have completed levels I and II of the EMDR training, and have completed all 20 hours of supervision needed for my consultant status.

My study of Noetic Field Balancing ( formerly referred to as “aura” balancing) was done in 1980-1981 with Dr. Robert Waterman. I am a mother, a sister, and a very good friend. I find that these simple relationships are ones that need to be constantly attended, and noticed with fresh eyes, thankfulness, and carefully shared insights. Teaching: I taught polarity therapy at the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts ( Santa Fe)and elsewhere. I have taught Argentine tango in several cities in the USA, and also in Argentina and in Mexico. I taught Hatha Yoga for twelve years. I also taught a course about the psychology of the body at NMAHA in Santa Fe. I have taught numerous workshops that I created, the most important one being “Living Your Dream.” I taught this workshop to fifth graders at the Santa Fe Waldorf school, and many groups of adults in Mexico and the USA. I also facilitate groups on dream interpretation.

Languages: I am fluent in Spanish and speak French also.

Reach out

Want to work together? Fill out your details, and I’ll be in touch soon. Looking forward to hearing from you!