“Much comfort and relief can be provided by the subtle contacts to skull, sacrum, and various other bones.”


Cranial Sacral Therapy

CST corrects imbalances in the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. This is important because this rhythmic cerebrospinal flow stimulates the body’s natural healing system. This kind of therapeutic work may be called “biodynamic” to remind us that every cell in our system, is connected to, and wishing well being for, our entire system. Cranio sacral fluid, (CSF) is very important to your skeletal, muscular, and immune systems, brain function, and thus even behavior patterns.

Consider the waves of the ocean, and what we see on the surface. The huge forces of the ocean, and also the peace and calm of the ocean plunge to great depths. What we can behold by looking at the ocean is only a small part of the total activity. By using our subtle touch and our intention with CST, we may contact and be an effective part of the entire being of our clients.

It is surprising how one may observe, especially in the horse, the difference after one or two sessions of equine cranial sacral work. For humans, the work largely affects the inner world of awareness, and although the client may observe great inner improvement the visible structural change is not as obvious as the horse.

  • Cranial Sacral Therapy helps correct imbalances in the fluid and membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. This supports the body's natural healing system and can improve skeletal, muscular, and immune function, as well as brain activity and even behavior patterns. Horses often show noticeable improvements in movement, relaxation, and overall well-being after just one or two sessions

  • Unlike traditional physical therapies that focus on muscles and joints, CST works with the body's cerebrospinal fluid flow and deep internal rhythms. It uses a gentle, hands-on approach to encourage self-healing from within. This method is particularly effective because it reaches the deeper layers of the nervous system, promoting long-lasting balance and well-being.

  • The number of sessions varies depending on the individual horse and its condition. Some horses show significant improvement after just one or two sessions, while others may benefit from ongoing treatments for chronic issues or deeper imbalances. Christina will assess each horse individually to recommend the best approach for its needs.