Directions to Casa Sueño Azul
Directions to 41 Donceles. Note: The house is called Casa Sueño Azul because it is my favorite tango. My house color is not blue.
GPS often does not work, so go in the entrance to Los Frailes and continue on past the big statue in the middle of the road.
Take a left on Calle Joya and an immediate right on Calle San Juan. Continue straight down the the street twists right before it goes straight again. Go to the end and take a RIGHT on Calle Donceles. Go almost to the dead end and on your right you will see #41
with large metal black double doors. There you are !
Pull the cord hard a couple times to ring the bell. I have to be very careful opening the door, I have a new dog who wants to escape!
En Español:
De la entrada de Los Frailes, vaya hasta una estatua grande en medio de la calle, sigue hasta 2 cuadras despues de la estatua grande en medio de la calle. Esa calle se llama La Joya, gira a la izquierda. INMEDIATAMENTE después, gira a la DERECHA calle Fray San Juan, hasta el final, y haga gira a la DERECHA en Calle Donceles hasta #41 en la mano derecha, con puertas grandes negras de metal.